I know it's buggy :'(

I have noticed some bugs here which is disturbing the efficiency and the responsiveness of this website. Even sometimes the design turns out to be an odd piece of work.

I know I must fix this but It will take some time, maybe 2 or 3 months or maybe more longer since I have to deal with some real world problems, getting bigger everyday, as well as real world responsibilities.

But I will fix it and launch a new version of saziblogs. I'll call it saziblogs-3.0. Maybe I'll add some extensive features in it with some cool designs.

Even though, the present one is quite good too. So why don't embrace the saziblogs community and let's clear our inner self together? 🔥

Posted on: 2024-10-09 18:30:39
Category: Announcement
What are your thoughts on this post?


Ashik vai
2024-10-16 12:18:36

Overall good!

Ashik vai
2024-10-16 12:18:05

improve your homepage!